the fast, reliable localhost tunneling solution 0.3.15 release and RPUG event

By Bjarni RĂșnar 2011-03-03, 15:17 version 0.3.15 is available for download.

This is purely a bug-fix release, correcting problems some people have been having with incomplete downloads through PageKite, due to incorrect handling of stream EOF in many cases. Upgrading is highly recommended if you are serving files larger than a few KB over PageKite.

In other news, I attended the Reykjavik Python User's Group meet-up last night and gave a short presentation on PageKite and why I chose Python for this project (slides).

The gathering was graciously hosted by CCP, who do some pretty amazing things with Python themselves, and was quite well attended. There were many interesting discussions both during the event itself and afterwards at the pub, over pints. I know I learned a thing or two!

I'd like to thank those who organized the event and welcome the new people who've joined us as a result. I can see you are already finding new and exciting bugs for us to fix... ;-)


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