
Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson •
RMLL 2011, Strasbourg
A project sponsored by the Rannís
technology development fund.
A big goal:
Freedom in the Web
Companies control our data!
On centralization...
- The web is centralized, in the cloud
- Most devices are mere consumers - browsers
- Everything has to be "uploaded"
- 3rd party hosting is the norm
- ... so the power is centralized ...
- Terms and Conditions
- Privacy Policies
- Censorship, DMCA, data retention laws, ...
- ... and users of the web are less free as a result.
Can we ...
Host our own sites?
Why not? A bit of history.
Once upon a time ...
- Web-servers were "high tech"
- Servers were expensive and "high tech"
- Desktops were insecure.
- We ran out of IPs! ... on 03.02.2011.
- My radical argument: only 4. is a major issue today
Enabling (web)servers everywhere
A server on every computer! But how?
- Share public IPs, simplify configuration.
- Tunnels and reverse proxies!
- ... other solutions:
- {Squid,Apache,lighttpd,Varnish} & {ssh,ssltunnel,VPNs}
- Tor hidden services &
- Opera Unite
- Localtunnel, ReverseHTTP, Yaler, ...
- pagekite.py & pagekite.net
- IPv6?
Components of a reverse proxy solution
Three roles:
- The Server
On your computer: Apache? Diaspora? OpenSSH?
- The Front-End
A reverse proxy server, in "the cloud".
Public IP address, fast connection.
- The Back-End
On your computer.
Connects the Server to one or more Front-Ends.
Updates DNS, reconnects as necessary.
How it works (diagram)
pagekite.py + pagekite.net
Introducing pagekite.py
pagekite.py implements a tunneled reverse proxy.
- General features ...
- Free as in Freedom Software (AGPLv3)
- Designed to be easy to use and deploy
- Is an HTTP and HTTPS reverse proxy
- and SSH, VNC, finger ...
- Protocol-agnostic tunneling:
- Tunnels through firewalls and NAT (outgoing TCP)
- Uses adaptive compression (zlib)
- Plays many roles:
- Front-end
- Back-end
- HTTP, HTTPS & finger server
There are some technical limitations ...
HTTP/1.0 and 0.9 might not send Host: headers.
Relies on SNI (variable browser support)
... or TLS cert at front-end (so not end-to-end)
- SSH, VNC, ...
Relies on HTTP Proxy support in the client.
Needing a front-end isn't optimal.
But it works pretty well!
A trivial example
This is one way to enable SSH and make a web server on localhost
visible as http://bar.foo.net/, ...
foo.net $ sudo pagekite.py --isfrontend \
--ports=80,443 --rawports=22 \
laptop $ pagekite.py \
--frontend=foo.net:443 \
--backend=http:bar.foo.net:localhost:8000:s3cr37 \
(usually one uses a configuration file)
Introducing pagekite.net
pagekite.net is FOSS start-up: a public Front-End service
- Goals ...
- Work on Software Freedom full-time!
- Make the tech. available to non-technical users
- Fund pagekite.py and related development
Success! We got a government
grant for next 2 years!
- Features
- Geographically distributed, managed front-ends
- Use name.pagekite.me or your own domain
- Unlimited subdomains, free wildcard SSL
- Privacy friendly: anonymized logs, simple ToS, www.IMMI.is
- A subscription service
... no ads, no data-mining
Using pagekite.net
Same example as before, this time using pagekite.net ...
laptop $ pagekite.py \
--defaults \
--backend=http:foo.pagekite.me:localhost:8000:s3cr37 \
Bonus: https://foo.pagekite.me/ - zero config SSL!
No static IPs
No router config
No firewall config
No crypto config
... it just works!
What people use PageKite for
Some of the use-cases I have seen so far:
- My android: https://droid-bre.pagekite.me/
- 4 Linux VMs on a gaming rig at home: my own "cloud"
- Web designers demoing designs from their laptops
- Teachers publishing class material off recycled hardware
- Arduino hackers sending data to Pachube.com
- Remote HTTP or SSH+VNC admin of embedded hardware
Thimbl, Tahoe-LAFS, VLC video, FreedomBox, ...
basically any time the network gets in the
Demos and Q and A?
irc.freenode.net: #pagekite
Bonus FAQ slide!
- But my $device isn't on-line all the time!
- Do all websites need to be highly available?
- Isn't proxying everything really slow?
- Reduced RTT and compression actually make things faster!
- Isn't SSH port forwarding Good Enough?
- Port forwarding is not user friendly.
- Port numbers in URLs are ugly and do not scale.
- Isn't pagekite.net a centralized service too?
- PageKite is a router, not a data store.
- It's FOSS, you have choice & can run your own.
- What about backups?
- Yes, you still need backups. :-)
Thank you!
Merci beaucoup, RMLL !
irc.freenode.net: #pagekite