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Autostart pagekite on Raspberry Pi

By datagod 2022-04-07, 15:14


This assumed you have downloaded and installed the package as per DebianPackage or RpmPackage and have an account at

  1. Edit /etc/pagekite.d/10_account.rc
  2. Replace "" with the name of one of your pagekites
  3. Replace "YOURSECRET" with the shared secret value from
  4. Remove the line "abort_not_configured" and the comment above it

  5. Rename /etc/pagekite.d/80_httpd.rc.sample to /etc/pagekite.d/80_httpd.rc

  6. If your web server is not listening on port 80, edit 80_httpd.rc and replace the port number in the "service_on=" line withi the correct value. You can also add more back-ends, for example an https back-end if your webserver is configured for native SSL.
  7. Restart PageKite with one of the following commands

    # RedHat / Fedora: service pagekite restart

    # Ubuntu / Debian sudo invoke-rc.d pagekite restart


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