the fast, reliable localhost tunneling solution

PyPdnsRedis: our DNS server

By Bjarni RĂșnar 2011-03-17, 21:48

Since PageKite is an open source company, we like to share our code now and then.

This evening we released PyPdnsRedis, a simple Python glue-layer between the really cool PowerDNS server and the super fast Redis in-memory database.

The Python program not only facilitates communication between PowerDNS and Redis, it also contains the tools we need to administer the system: if you run it as a command-line tool, it will let you add or edit DNS records. If you import it as a Python library, you can easily do the same thing with code. So it's really three tools in one.

The PyPdnsRedis code is on github.

Please let us know if you find a use for it - or find any bugs!

This code is the foundation for the dynamic DNS service included in PageKite service subscriptions: all the names live in our Redis database and are exposed to the world by this system.


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