the fast, reliable localhost tunneling solution

Minor Service Disruption

By Bjarni RĂșnar 2012-04-18, 21:24

I'm sorry to report that we experienced a minor service disruption this afternoon. In accordance with our policy of responsible disclosure, a brief description follows:


Creating new kite creation and user sign-up using the tool may have failed with an error message of 'certificate verify failed'. Existing kites and established connections should not have experienced any problems, although most kites probably disconnected and reconnected again as usual, due to the upgrades and rollbacks.


The offending SSL certificate was rolled back. We are communicating with our SSL provider to address the problems and will attempt the upgrade again once a compatible certificate or alternate strategy has been devised.

Preventing Future Problems

The root cause of this problem is actually a bug in and the logic used to verify SSL certificates during account and kite creation. We will be fixing the bug and releasing a new version within the next few weeks.

Thank you for your patience!


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