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How to add password key to pagekite.d files

2015-04-24, 03:37

Anyone have a working example of how the password key is done for a Debian install? I have tried appending +password/someuser=somepwd to the service_on line and on a separate line with service_cfg. All my attempts either don't work or stop pagekite from working.

Thank-you for any help


  1. Michael Lavelle said on 2016-03-10, 16:27
    I haven't been able to get any combination of +password/someuser=somepassword to work either within the 10_account.rc file. Suggestions?
  2. iurly said on 2017-08-15, 08:54
    I struggled a little bit but in the end I managed to get this to work by adding the following line to my

    service_cfg = : password/myname : mypassword

    Notice how using "@kitename" instead of "" does NOT work (at least with the current version,
    This is the equivalent of adding "+password/myname=mypassword" to the command line, which, in the end, adds a "password/mynmae" option to the back-end specific configuration, whose values is "mypassword".
    Hope this helps.

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