Hi, I started using pagekite on Windows recently, but I'm having some difficulties.
I have a directory with a simple index.html file, which references some CSS/JS files. When I use this dir to create the kite using pagekite.me path/to/dir mykite.pagekite.me and then access the kite online it sometimes shows the index.html, sometimes it shows the 'Not available' pagekite page.
When the index.html files shows up, then there are troubles with the CSS/JS files. On every refresh, some of the files receives a 503 Service unavailable. Everytime some other file has this problem.
When I look in the console, after each kite refresh in the browser i get this:
<< pagekite.py [traffic] Disconnected from: ip:443
after a while followed by:
<< pagekite.py [connect] Front-end connect: ip:443
Thanks for any tip or idea how to fix this.
It is normal to get disconnected every once in a while, but it shouldn't happen so frequently that it causes trouble. Perhaps you could run pagekite.py with the following arguments and mail the resulting log file to me (bre at pagekite.net) so I can take a look?
pagekite.py --logfile=pagekite.log --debugio path/to/stuff/ yourkite.pagekite.me
Once you have triggered the problem and seen it misbehave, stop the program and mail the pagekite.log file it created.
This actually appears to be an unresolved bug in the Python SSL library, it looks like these two theads may be related:
I am going to see if I can figure out a work around, but it may take a little while. In the meantime, you can probably fly your kites with no problem by using the **--nossl flag** to disable tunnel encryption, or alternately, install the **pyOpenSSL module** which is preferred by pagekite.py and does not exhibit this behavior.
Thanks alot, Ivan, for helping us track this down and test the new code.