On my Nextcloud site using Pagekyte with TLS encryption I face a problem that make it unusable : during the loading of the main page many (but not all) related resources (.js .css ...) failed to load, making the service unavailable.
My site use TLS encryption between the PageKite BE and the webserver
service_on = https:@kitename : localhost:443 : @kitesecret
service_on = https:cloud.MyDomainName.me : localhost:443 : @kitesecret
Nevertheless open link resources one by one work (eg clicking https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/vendor/backbone/backbone.js...).
Acceding with the local network or setting the site myDomainName in /etc/hosts work too.
Same behavior with @kitename and cloud.MyDomainName.me.
The problem occurs regularly especially after ''Restarting my kite '', many times things gone right by themselves after several minutes and I can navigate on my site flawlessly (for some hours) ; others times the problem persists :-( .
''Remark'' : similar issue have been reported by Dayan on page kite wiki or [Nextcloud wiki] ( https://help.nextcloud.com/t/nextcloud-and-pagekite-reverse-proxy-compatibility-issues/1284/2)
Remark the Nextcloud login page a bunch of resources to load
For this page the Chrome Console showed the following networks error
``` Navigated to https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/ GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/vendor/bootstrap/js/tooltip.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/vendor/backbone/backbone.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/vendor/es6-promise/dist/es6-promise.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/vendor/davclient.js/lib/client.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/placeholders.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/compatibility.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/jquery.ocdialog.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/oc-dialogs.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/js.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/l10n.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/l10n/fr.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/octemplate.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae net::ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT
Chrome::/internal-network showed the above informations for ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT error.
``` 124942: URL_REQUEST https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/js.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae Start Time: 2016-07-31 20:10:39.438
t= 5106 [st= 0] +REQUEST_ALIVE [dt=5210]
t= 5106 [st= 0] URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE [dt=0]
t= 5106 [st= 0] +URL_REQUEST_START_JOB [dt=5210]
--> method = "GET"
--> priority = "LOW"
--> url = "https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/core/js/js.js?v=8f0e8d73c26951bac7632585e3d0ecae"
t= 5106 [st= 0] URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE [dt=0]
t= 5107 [st= 1] HTTP_CACHE_GET_BACKEND [dt=0]
t= 5107 [st= 1] HTTP_CACHE_OPEN_ENTRY [dt=195]
--> net_error = -2 (ERR_FAILED)
t= 5302 [st= 196] HTTP_CACHE_CREATE_ENTRY [dt=193]
t= 5495 [st= 389] HTTP_CACHE_ADD_TO_ENTRY [dt=0]
t= 5495 [st= 389] URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE [dt=0]
t= 5495 [st= 389] +HTTP_STREAM_REQUEST [dt=4821]
--> source_dependency = 125117 (HTTP_STREAM_JOB)
--> source_dependency = 125117 (HTTP_STREAM_JOB)
t=10316 [st=5210] -HTTP_STREAM_REQUEST
t=10316 [st=5210] -URL_REQUEST_START_JOB
--> net_error = -117 (ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT)
t=10316 [st=5210] URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE [dt=0]
t=10316 [st=5210] -REQUEST_ALIVE
--> net_error = -117 (ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT)
! Context
I have my own domaine name and a let's encrypt certifcate.
I followed the howtos for declaring CNAME and setting TLS encryption.
service_on = https:@kitename : localhost:443 : @kitesecret
service_on = https:cloud.MyDomainName.me : localhost:443 : @kitesecret
Pagekyte informations
nextcloud@nextcloud1:~$ sudo pagekite --clean --optdir=/etc/pagekite.d
>>> Hello! This is pagekite v0.5.8e. [CTRL+C = Stop]
Connecting to front-end ...
- Protocols: http http2 http3 https websocket irc finger httpfinger raw
- Protocols: minecraft
- Ports: 79 80 443 843 2222 3000 4545 5222 5223 5269 5670 6667 8000 8080
- Ports: 8081 9292 25565
- Raw ports: 22 virtual
Connecting to front-end ...
~ Flying localhost:443 as https://MyDomainName.xxx.pagekite.me/
~ Flying localhost:443 as https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/ < https://cloud.MyDomainName.me:443 (localhost:443)
..... < https://cloud.MyDomainName.me:443 (localhost:443)
Connecting to front-end ...
- Protocols: http http2 http3 https websocket irc finger httpfinger raw
- Protocols: minecraft
- Ports: 79 80 443 843 2222 3000 4545 5222 5223 5269 5670 6667 8000 8080
- Ports: 8081 9292 25565
- Raw ports: 22 virtual
~ Flying localhost:443 as https://MyDomainName.xxx.pagekite.me/
~ Flying localhost:443 as https://cloud.MyDomainName.me/
Connecting to front-end ...
<< pagekite.py [flying] Kites are flying and all is well.
I configure §HTTP access to my Nextcloud, acceding through pagekite (service_on = http:test-@kitename : localhost:80 : @kitesecret) **the same problem happen**
GET https://xxxxxx.pagekite.me/nextcloud/...
GET https://xxxxxx.pagekite.me/nextcloud/...
GET https://xxxxxx.pagekite.me/core/img/l... 503 (Unavailable)
GET https://xxxxxx.pagekite.me/nextcloud/... 503 (Unavailable)
GET https://xxxxxx.pagekite.me/nextcloud/... 503 (Unavailable)
From the browser view there is an **503 error** instead of an **ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT GET**
These problem has occured on virtual Box with a VM ubuntu 16.4.1 and
Pagekite v0.5.8e.
I had another VM Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS and I installed the same Nextcloud version (copying the files the config and the data base). I Installed Pagekite v0.5.8e from the Ubuntu depot.
**Then making the same tests and the result was that everything work fine : ** the related resources (js...) were loaded normaly even if my adsl network is slow.
So I suggest that the issue would be requalified in **problem with pagekite 0.5.8e on Ubuntu 16.4.1**
Comparing dependency (apt-rdepend) show difference between 16.4.1 and 14.04.2.
#sudo virtualenv /opt/python/some_directory
Then I linked then pagekite executable to this envionment path :
root@nextcloud:~# head /usr/bin/pagekite
# ...
And all work fine :-)
So the problem appears to be a bad python installation.
Now I run Nextcloud with a CNAME and a certificate.
Hope that helps.