Hi, I am trying to test the service, I download pagekite.py. I sign up, I run the app as instructed in the quickstart guide to launch a small server. The app does not show any error and said in green that the kite is flying but I cannot get to it. The only sign that something is wrong is the yellow sign on the account visibility page. Found on another thread that is because some backend is missing but which one? Try to run the logs on pagekite but the logs looks clean, meaning everything said it was succesful and is connecting. I know there is a connection cause when I bring up the kite it does change from the red sign to the yellow sign in the visibility part of the account page. So how do I know what is missing. Server is just a basic uhttpd server on port 80, I also try just sharing a folder with one test index file and the same result everything looks good but I just cant reach the site.
Otherwise, make sure the ports match, that PageKite's backend port is the same as the port of your webserver. Another thing to check is whether you have IPv6 enabled - if your backend is 'localhost' and that resolves to IPv6 loopback, but your web server is only listening on IPv4 loopback (or vice versa) you may also have this problem even if the ports are correct.
And of course the basics, make sure that if you visit localhost:80 with a browser, you are able to communicate with your webserver directly.
Hope this helps!
>>> Creating kite: gotland.pagekite.me [CTRL+C = Cancel]
*** Kite creation failed!
*** Error code: :Access denied">
*** Try again later?
pi@raspberrypi ~ $
>>> Creating kite: tacs.pagekite.me [CTRL+C = Cancel]
*** Kite creation failed!
*** Error code: :Access denied">
*** Try again later?
pi@raspberrypi-chandraseptianoor:~ $