the fast, reliable localhost tunneling solution


By Bjarni R. Einarsson 2021-05-13, 15:50

This wiki page contains a collection of How-To recipes and answers to Frequently Asked Questions about how to use PageKite.

It is probably wise to read the QuickStart guide first, before diving in here.


Microsoft Windows

  • WhichWebServer should I install?
  • SSHAndTunnels shows how to use PuTTY to connect to a SSH server made accessible with PageKite and how to access your desktop with VNC through that SSH connection.

Apple Mac OS X


The TechnicalManual and OpenSource pages contain many more technical details and examples.


  1. Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson said on 2011-06-09, 20:34
    I moved some off-topic comments to the forum:
  2. Akinza said on 2012-02-16, 11:23
    Hi, How to remove PageKite from the System, because after installing this I am able to work with my localhost in my PC
  3. Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson said on 2012-02-16, 12:20
    Akinza, I created a new wiki page to answer this question:
  4. tom said on 2013-04-30, 17:43
    good service,good soft ,but less Payment Method. when it can be paid by paypal or alipy?
  5. ahmed wahdan said on 2013-08-16, 15:38
    i need bash code to test that pagekite script make a successful connection to proxy
  6. Jake said on 2016-06-23, 17:28
    This link is broken:

    Perhaps the MacClient does not exist anymore and this was just overlooked.
    If it does still exist, I want to check it out.

  7. Karan said on 2016-06-29, 06:45
    Hi BjarniRunar,
    I am trying to create mysql server that can be accessed publicly. I was able to run pagekite on my local machine.. But when I try to connect it with mysql bench its giving error. COuld you please tell me the steps or link to any documnets about this.
  8. dynamo said on 2016-06-29, 15:20
    What/where is link to download pagekite.cfg from account?
  9. Hossam Kandeal said on 2016-11-02, 07:32
    i just created an account today with 2 G quota and after few minutes my quota became 1 M !!
  10. Guus said on 2016-11-08, 15:47
    I can't start my kite:

    >>> Creating kite: [CTRL+C = Cancel]

    *** Kite creation failed!
    *** Error code: :Access denied">
    *** Try again later?

    What am I doing wrong?
  11. Guus said on 2016-11-10, 14:44
    I have solved the problem. I found the hidden configuration file .pagekite.rc in the home directory and added the required info. After that it worked properly.
  12. Kr Prateek said on 2017-02-23, 18:20
    My website lives online for 15 mins only (since i am on trail period). How can I restart it so that it lives for another 15 min?
  13. Damini Bhavsar said on 2017-04-28, 10:48
    How to change the user sign up if we have already signed up with another user? When i have installed pagekite i have been signed up with another account , but due to new pagekite domain i need to switch to new account and here i was unable to login to that new account.

    I am getting this error. Please assist me about the same.

    *** Kite creation failed!
    *** Sorry, that domain ( is unavailable.
    *** If you registered it already, perhaps you need to log on with
    *** a different e-mail address?
  14. Merlin said on 2017-10-31, 11:12
    The link to the MacClient (the native Mac OSX client for PageKite) is still giving a 404.
  15. gg said on 2018-10-13, 13:02
    What about email servers behind pagekit?
    They would need PTR records to avoid bouncing (How the phishers last months did without it I don't have a clue).
  16. Jah said on 2018-11-04, 20:07
    Can you please create a Redis Server backend / Page Kite Frontend How /TO?
  17. Bjarni Rúnar Einarsson said on 2018-11-08, 11:24
    Hey folks, this really is not the right place for tech support questions. :-)

    But quickly:

    * Redis behind PageKite is probably impossible.
    * E-mail servers behind PageKite are also currently impossible and may always be impossible due to security/privacy concerns.
    * If you have previously signed up with an account you no longer wish to use, delete (or edit) your .pagekite.rc or pagekite.cfg file.
    * There is no custom Mac client at the moment, it's just

  18. Amara said on 2018-11-28, 15:36
    My website is not working temporery unavilibiliy
  19. klaus said on 2019-05-20, 14:37
    Hello! This is v1.0.0.190225. [CTRL+C = Stop]
    Connecting to front-end relay ...
    - Relay supports 10 protocols on 19 public ports.
    - Raw TCP/IP (HTTP proxied) kites are available.
    - To enable more logging, add option: --logfile=/path/to/logfile
    Abuse/DDOS protection: Relaying traffic for up to 5 clients per 10800s.
    Quota: You have 31 days, 5.0 tunnels left.
    ~<> Flying localhost:80 as
    !!! - (FAIL: localhost:80 is
    ~<> Flying localhost:80 as
    << [flying] Kites are flying and all is well.
    what's wrong?
  20. Laravel Project does not run on PageKite server said on 2019-06-24, 06:13
    I am working with Laravel website project. I had install PageKite and try to run the website. But it always shows an error. In PageKite shell, it says failed to connect

    When running in cmd php artisan serve --port=8000, failed to listen on

    what is the problem?
  21. Chas Hoard said on 2021-03-09, 18:16
    I am getting a Synology 916+ and Pagekite sounds perfect for bypassing Xfinity for a couple of sites I would host. Is there code for a Synology unit?
  22. Prabhat Ranjan said on 2021-05-19, 09:26
    What is shared sicret?
  23. ldw said on 2021-11-08, 20:11
    Can a html be accessed by 2nd Android phone? Accessed by laptop fine.
  24. James said on 2023-12-18, 18:11
    I have a shared IP address. I'd like to use Pagekite to tunnel from my local webserver at home for my domain. But I don't want to send images etc. over this link. It would be nice if PageKite's servers could act as a CDN for this. Even better would be if there was a Wordpress plugin to do this ;-)
  25. James said on 2023-12-18, 18:36
    I have a shared IP address. I'd like to use Pagekite to tunnel from my local webserver at home for my domain. But I don't want to send images etc. over this link. It would be nice if PageKite's servers could act as a CDN for this. Even better would be if there was a Wordpress plugin to do this ;-)
  26. Julio Canelon said on 2024-05-21, 22:02
    I have a question my appreciate commynity, I need to open two port in TCP Protocol, to enable a services that I have to connect by socket to a specific port listen in my pc. Thak you
  27. Luis lopez said on 2024-10-15, 23:32

    I need to enable 3 ports, 1433 to access my SQL database, 9090 for a page that I have on my computer and 8081 for another page.
    How can I raise the 3 ports and how do I consume them to be able to redirect correctly. I have them on Ubuntu server 24

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